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Five Different Ways to Wear Timberland Boots: Women’s Edition

Timberland boots are a particularly difficult style to pull off in a feminine way. They're so big and chunky that it’s extremely easy to create a more masculine look. Some of us are quite happy with that, but others prefer the girly edge. Today, we’re going to look at some of the best ways of wearing Timberland boots in a girly way.

First, though, let’s think about the kind of boots you want to buy, because Timberland actually make a wide range of boots, and some of them aren’t that chunky at all. For example, a pair of their desert boots is actually a fairly feminine option. However, overall, most of their boots are on the chunky/masculine side.

Here are five different ways to experiment with:

Tucked In with Your Skinny Trousers
Here, the boots contrast with the femininity of the boots. It’s a great look for casual wear, especially if you're going somewhere like a festival, where you’ll need those strong and sturdy boots, but you'll also have that feminine contrast with the trousers.

You can buy tall womens Timberland boots, but we would recommend sticking to the ankle boots with this look. If you combine the tall boots with skinny trousers, it can actually make you look shorter than you are, which in turn can make you appear frumpy. You should only really buy the taller boots if you're already tall or if you're particularly slim. Otherwise, it can appear odd.


Rolled Hem with Skinny Trousers
Again, you can only pull this look off with ankle boots. If you were to wear the taller boots, you'd have to roll the hem of your trousers all the way up to your knee. The world isn’t ready for that look yet. Maybe one day it will happen, but for now, you should only roll your jeans up to the point where your calf starts.

It’s quite difficult to get this look right. If your jeans are a bit too baggy, then it can make you look a bit workman-like – nothing against workmen, but it’s hardly the most feminine of looks!

Cuffed Hem with Skinny Trousers
The cuffed hem is similar to the rolled hem, except that it’s just a single roll. As with the rolled hem, it shows off your ankles, which makes them appear slim and feminine. Unlike the rolled hem, it’s slightly more relaxed, and so is better for places where you're really supposed to let go and loosen up, e.g. at a festival. The rolled hem can be a bit contrived, but the cuffed hem does away with this.

Layered Socks with Trousers or Leggings
This is a great look for winter. It entails wearing socks so that they cover the bottom part of the trousers/leggings. You can use your socks to create an added splash of femininity with your womens Timberland boots, for example, by adding a bit of colour or a girly pattern. Most people prefer to keep things plain though, and go for a simple block colour – usually a neutral grey or black.

We hope that you have found this article useful. Are you interested in browsing a fantastic collection of Timberland boots? If so, please visit https://www.mr-shoes.co.uk


Casuals in The Wardrobe Are Vital

When you are leafing through fashion magazines or just walking in the street and you see a lovely pair of heels, the first impulse is that you want these for yourself too.

Your enthusiasm will soon fade when you get them home and they are really uncomfortable.  There is a chance that they will grow with your feet, but the chances are that they will keep on nipping in the same place.

The chances are that you would have been better off with a pair of Womens Casual Shoes.  The trend seems to go that way, especially in older women’s age bracket, but many younger ones have come to that conclusion too.



We have all seen models toppling over on the catwalk and if you look the trend is going towards lower heels or sandals there too.  Even businesses are more lenient towards the casual style as it was found that their employees were more comfortable in their work.

Of course, there are exceptions such as not being allowed to wear flats or small heels to work.  Is that for the benefit of the clients or the boss I wonder?

If you do not have to change so often for different activities, in the day or evening, it is much easier to get ready on time.

Believe it or not the days are getting longer and we are edging towards summer.  You very rarely see summer casuals with heels.  Of course, they are there, but walking on the beach or snow, for that matter, is easier if you have a good grip.

Despite dressing casually for work, there will still be a dress code in operation.  If this was not so, some people would just wear anything they liked.  So you may not be allowed to wear jeans, for instance or heavy boots.

There are also shoes that are specifically designed for walking.  In this category you will find many attractive styles as well as footwear ideal for comfort. You know the style of clothing you wear most so it’s easy to match any shoes with it.

There are many styles of Womens Casual Shoes available from https://www.mr-shoes.co.uk/

Women’s Fashion: Four Tips and Tricks to Help You Wear Brogues in Style

Brogues are a masculine style of boot, and this means it’s difficult for us women to pull them off in style. Fortunately, it can be done and we’re going to teach you how with our tips and tricks. This isn't just any old way of wearing brogues; this is the sexy, feminine, way of wearing them. Any old person can wear them, but we’re concerned with wearing them in style and in a way that’s attractive. Read on if this is something you want to do too…

Flash the Ankle
By having your ankle on show, you introduce an air of femininity to your entire outfit. Since the dawn of time (at least according to recorded history) the female ankle has been viewed as a symbol of out femininity. They’re dainty, well defined, and in proportion, and this gives them an all-encompassing feminine air.

Show them off in juxtaposition to your shoes and they’ll make the shoes look sexier. You can use this trick with any low fitting shoe. In fact, you’ve probably noticed just how many women roll the bottom of their jeans up in order to show off their ankles.

If you want to buy womens brogue boots instead of shoes, then don’t worry too much. Simply make sure that the part of the boot around the ankle is contouring and well fitted. This shows of the shape of the ankle without actually needing it to be on show. It’s not quite as sexy as the bare skin version, but it’s close, and when combined with our other tips, will help a lot.


Tip 2: Wear with Wide-Legged Tailored Trousers
As long as your ankles are on show, and you're wearing a fitted top, mixing up wide-leg trousers and brogues is a fantastic look. It helps to create a look that is fitting for the brogues (they are working shoes and the men in those days wore wide leg trousers), but also that flatters your figure by being tailored themselves.

Tip 3: Wear with Fitted Jeans and a Blazer
If wide trousers and a fitted top aren’t your thing, or if they are, but you just want to mix it up a bit, then swap them around: wear fitted trousers (i.e. jeans – cigarette trousers work too, but might look a bit too formal) and a blazer. It’s great combination and can really show off your figure as long as the blazer has a good, tight, fit.

Tip 4: Accessorise with Feminine Pieces
A great way to add a quick dash of sexiness to an outfit that incorporates womens brogue boots and shoes is to add some feminine accessories. They really help to balance out a masculine look. Choose slim versions, so avoid chunky rings and necklaces. Choose bright colours, such as sapphire, silver, and amethyst.

These tips really will help you to look amazingly sexy in your brogues. If you don’t yet have a pair of brogues, you can buy some now, at mr-shoes.co.uk

Keeping It Sexy with a Pair of Dr Martens

20 years ago, the terms ‘sexy’ and ‘Dr Martens’ weren’t generally heard at the same time. Today, though, you can pull it off. We’ve come a long way in the fashion world, and we’ve managed to feminise what was always a masculine type shoe.

This is a brilliant thing, because Dr Martens is amongst the best brands of footwear in the world. I owned my first pair back in 1993 and I still have them now. They’ve gone down as my all time ever most comfortable shoe. Over time, they mould to your foot. I could walk for days in my cherry red DMs (what? I’m cool. I bought cherry red).

Still, you do need to understand a few things if you want to get it right with this style. I’m going to teach this below. It comes from more than 20 years’ of experience, so I’m pretty sure I have a decent grasp of the fashion.

Comfort: Getting It Right
The first thing that I have to stress is that you have your feet measured and make sure that you buy a pair of boots that actually fits. If you haven't been to the shoe shop as an adult, go before you buy your new boots. Get your feet measured.

Once you have your shoe size, try on a pair of women’s Dr Martens boots. They will feel a bit tight to begin with, but if they pinch or hurt straightaway, then you need to try a different size.

Once you’ve bought the shoes, it will take a good two or three months to break them in properly. Now, if you talk to some footwear specialists, they’ll tell you that you aren’t supposed to break shoes in, but that they should be perfect from the off. In my opinion, when it comes to DMs, this isn’t true. There is a period of softening where the leather and sole learn the shape of your foot. It takes a good few months, but after that, they are super comfortable. I’ve owned 5 pairs of DMs, so that’s a lot of experience. I may be wrong, but for me, this is the way it works.


Fashion: 3 Ways to Wear Them:
Ok, so we’ve done comfort, and now it’s time to move onto style. Many women avoid wearing DMs because they think the boots are too unfeminine. Well, there are a few things to say about that. One, you can buy women’s Dr Martens boots. They might be narrower than the originals, come with a pattern (e.g. floral), or be in a girly colour (my cherry reds).

You can even buy short shoes and sandals nowadays – I've never tried them, but this is an excellent brand, so I'm sure they feel great. They definitely look great. Two, you can wear them with feminine outfits to glam it up. Here are my three favourite ways of wearing them:

1.    With Skinny Jeans…open the boot up slightly and have the jeans tuck into the boots. It’s super sexy.

2.    With Dress & Tights…you can go bare skinned if you want, but the dress needs to be short to pull this off in a sexy way and with a short dress, it tends to be more comfortable with a pair of tights.

3.    With Daisy Dukes…again, team with a pair of tights if you're uncomfortable with too much flesh on show. This is a fantastic look for a festival.

I hope that you found this article helpful. If you’re thinking of buying a pair of DMs, then come and check the fantastic collection on sale at our website https://www.mr-shoes.co.uk

Four Types of Footwear That Every Man Should Own

Footwear can be expensive. A decent pair of shoes will cost you at least £80, by decent we mean a shoe that is well built, supportive to your feet, and that looks good too. Given this, it’s important that you make the right decisions when buying your new shoes. If money is an issue, then you should stick to buying as few pairs of shoes/boots as possible. This means buying between two and four different pairs of shoes/boots – the higher end (i.e. four) generally applies to office workers.


Today, we’re going to look at the four key types of shoes and boots you should own. Clearly, the latter two options are more for those that work in offices and attend formal social events. If you do neither of these things, then it’s ok for you to stick to the first two categories.


  1. Trainers

Every man should have a decent pair of trainers. Now, trainers have had a bad press in recent years because they have come to be associated with “chav culture”. That’s completely unfair. Trainers are a great choice of footwear. They’re comfortable and they can be great if you're on your feet all day. Not to mention that it’s disrespectful to assume that people who look a certain way are all bad and have no good ideas. Trainers are great, and you should have a decent pair of trainers in your arsenal of men casual shoes.


  1. Boots

Boots are a fantastic choice of footwear because they’re very versatile. The best thing about them though is that they’re great in winter. They’re probably the warmest type of shoe that you can find, and as long as you choose a high quality pair, for example made of high-grade leather, then they should do a very good job of keeping your feet warm and dry during the colder month.


Of course, as well as making your feet feel great, they’ll also make them great to look at. Boots have a certain classic/rugged look to them and they can make your outfits look incredibly handsome.


  1. Casual Office Shoes

There are many types of casual office shoes, from loafers to brogues. You should also be aware that just because they’re caller “office shoes”, it doesn’t mean that you can only wear them in the office. This type of men casual shoes are equally good for wearing on a night out to your local nightclub. If you're going to clubs that expect a certain dress code (i.e. no trainers), then opt for casual office shoes.



  1. Dress Shoes

Finally, if you spend time going to formal events, such as red carpet events, Royal Ascot, or business balls and banquets, a pair of dress shoes is a must. You will be expected to dress appropriately, and may even be turned away if you don’t.


As long as you stick to these four styles (and branch out once you have them if you want to), you can’t really go wrong in the footwear department.


If you're interested in adding to your footwear collection, then please visit https://www.mr-shoes.co.uk


What Women Love about Men's Shoes

Are you dressing to impress the ladies? If so, you should pay attention to your shoes. We love a great pair of shoes – or boots. If you’ve chosen well, we will definitely pay attention. OK, so maybe not all of us will. Some of us don’t even notice, but for me, I will always notice a beautiful pair of shoes, and it will always pique my interest in you a bit further – yes, I’m shallow (in some respects).


Today, I’ve written this article as a guide to teach you about the type of footwear that stands out. I’d like to preface it here by saying that I’m only one person with one particular taste, but I know that many will agree. However, if these things aren’t your style, don’t worry too much because this is not a definitive, be all and end all, guide. There are other attractive styles too; it’s just that these are the things that I particularly find attractive.


  1. High grade leather

This is expensive, a decent pair of shoes/boots will set you back at least £150), but they are well worth buying as your special going out shoes. The look of high-grade leather is second-to-none for me. You can’t buy shoes in a better material: not sheepskin, not suede, heck, not even diamond shoes would do it for me, but high-grade leather: beautiful. It shows me that you have good judgement.


This type of leather is expensive in the short-term, but it will last so much longer than cheaper shoes that the investment is well worth it and in the long-term, you are actually saving money by purchasing high-quality shoes.


  1. Richness of colour

Black shoes or boots are fine, but I don’t think that you can get interesting colours and shades from black. Instead, I’d recommend going for brown or mahogany. One of my favourite pairs of men’s shoes are the Jeffery West two-tone brogues. Look them up if you’ve never seen them; they look amazing.


Now, I’m aware that some of you will look at these shoes and think, “what they heck is she thinking?”. Yes, they can appear a little over the top, but you need to look at the big picture. In a suit, or with a nice pair of jeans and shirt/jumper, these shoes look gorgeous. I first saw them on a guy at Royal Ascot, and they are amazing.  I've since seen them on other men too, and they always look fantastic.



  1. Fine stitching and patterning

For some reason, I always pay close attention to the stitching and patterning on shoes. Again, Jeffery West do a very good job of this. I love their perforations on their brogues, but on all of their shoes, and boots, the stitching is incredible: you won’t find any frayed bits on a pair of Wests.


When you buy your boots or shoes, always pay attention to these little details, because they make a lot of difference to the overall look of the shoe.


In short, we love a high quality, well-built, shoe or boot in a classic style – although we do love other styles too, this is my particular favourite in terms of attractiveness. To find yours, please visit https://www.mr-shoes.co.uk

Construction Workers: Four Characteristics That You Must Expect from Your Work Boots/Shoes

Are you starting a construction job or do you own a constructions company? If so, you will be interested in this article. Today, we are going to be focusing on the importance of various characteristics of the footwear required for use on the construction site.

Now, as an employee, you don’t actually have to worry about this. It is up to your employer to provide you with your footwear as part of the HSE safety requirements for working on a construction site. However, you should at least understand know what these characteristics are so that you can double check that your employer has given you suitable and safe footwear.

For those of you who are sole traders or business owners, it’s important that you understand which characteristics will make it easier for you and your crew to work. After all, a happy workforce is a productive workforce.

1.    They Must Meet Safety Standards as Regulated by the HSE.
The first thing that you need to be aware of is that safety clothing for construction sites is heavily regulated. There are legal requirements that must be met. You cannot buy just any type of shoes and hope that they're safe. Instead, contact your local HSE to find out which rules and regulation apply specifically to your line of work. There are different rules depending on a number of things.

2.    They Must Be Comfortable
Next, the shoes must be comfortable. This usually means buying higher quality shoes and boots, such as Caterpillar boots. A good pair of shoes will feel comfortable straightaway. They will not be tight or loose. It’s important that people try the shoes on while wearing the socks that they would ordinarily wear.


As well as the shoe being comfortable from the point of view of fit, they also need to have a strong structure so that they support the feet. As you know, construction workers are on their feet for much of the day, and it’s important that their feet take as little of the strain as possible; otherwise, you can run into some serious problems with aches and pains, and even end up signed off work. It’s much better to pay for the extra support now, than to wait until later and pay for it with the job.

3.    They Must Be Waterproof
As you know, in the UK, it rains a lot. It’s important that you buy/provide waterproof shoes. If your shoes become wet, it can lead to problems such as athlete’s foot, which can be very serious if it becomes too severe – not to mention that the itching is incredibly frustrating.

4.    They Must Provide the Correct Level of Heat for the Season
Finally, you need to ensure that your shoes work for the season. You don’t want to wear trainer-type shoes during the winter, because it will be far too cold. Instead, you'd need to buy Caterpillar boots, or other similar style boots.


We hope that this article has given you a few things to think about when it comes to footwear. If you are interested in buying a Caterpillar shoes, then please visit https://www.mr-shoes.co.uk