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Construction Workers: Four Characteristics That You Must Expect from Your Work Boots/Shoes

Are you starting a construction job or do you own a constructions company? If so, you will be interested in this article. Today, we are going to be focusing on the importance of various characteristics of the footwear required for use on the construction site.

Now, as an employee, you don’t actually have to worry about this. It is up to your employer to provide you with your footwear as part of the HSE safety requirements for working on a construction site. However, you should at least understand know what these characteristics are so that you can double check that your employer has given you suitable and safe footwear.

For those of you who are sole traders or business owners, it’s important that you understand which characteristics will make it easier for you and your crew to work. After all, a happy workforce is a productive workforce.

1.    They Must Meet Safety Standards as Regulated by the HSE.
The first thing that you need to be aware of is that safety clothing for construction sites is heavily regulated. There are legal requirements that must be met. You cannot buy just any type of shoes and hope that they're safe. Instead, contact your local HSE to find out which rules and regulation apply specifically to your line of work. There are different rules depending on a number of things.

2.    They Must Be Comfortable
Next, the shoes must be comfortable. This usually means buying higher quality shoes and boots, such as Caterpillar boots. A good pair of shoes will feel comfortable straightaway. They will not be tight or loose. It’s important that people try the shoes on while wearing the socks that they would ordinarily wear.


As well as the shoe being comfortable from the point of view of fit, they also need to have a strong structure so that they support the feet. As you know, construction workers are on their feet for much of the day, and it’s important that their feet take as little of the strain as possible; otherwise, you can run into some serious problems with aches and pains, and even end up signed off work. It’s much better to pay for the extra support now, than to wait until later and pay for it with the job.

3.    They Must Be Waterproof
As you know, in the UK, it rains a lot. It’s important that you buy/provide waterproof shoes. If your shoes become wet, it can lead to problems such as athlete’s foot, which can be very serious if it becomes too severe – not to mention that the itching is incredibly frustrating.

4.    They Must Provide the Correct Level of Heat for the Season
Finally, you need to ensure that your shoes work for the season. You don’t want to wear trainer-type shoes during the winter, because it will be far too cold. Instead, you'd need to buy Caterpillar boots, or other similar style boots.


We hope that this article has given you a few things to think about when it comes to footwear. If you are interested in buying a Caterpillar shoes, then please visit https://www.mr-shoes.co.uk