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Women’s Fashion: Four Tips and Tricks to Help You Wear Brogues in Style

Brogues are a masculine style of boot, and this means it’s difficult for us women to pull them off in style. Fortunately, it can be done and we’re going to teach you how with our tips and tricks. This isn't just any old way of wearing brogues; this is the sexy, feminine, way of wearing them. Any old person can wear them, but we’re concerned with wearing them in style and in a way that’s attractive. Read on if this is something you want to do too…

Flash the Ankle
By having your ankle on show, you introduce an air of femininity to your entire outfit. Since the dawn of time (at least according to recorded history) the female ankle has been viewed as a symbol of out femininity. They’re dainty, well defined, and in proportion, and this gives them an all-encompassing feminine air.

Show them off in juxtaposition to your shoes and they’ll make the shoes look sexier. You can use this trick with any low fitting shoe. In fact, you’ve probably noticed just how many women roll the bottom of their jeans up in order to show off their ankles.

If you want to buy womens brogue boots instead of shoes, then don’t worry too much. Simply make sure that the part of the boot around the ankle is contouring and well fitted. This shows of the shape of the ankle without actually needing it to be on show. It’s not quite as sexy as the bare skin version, but it’s close, and when combined with our other tips, will help a lot.


Tip 2: Wear with Wide-Legged Tailored Trousers
As long as your ankles are on show, and you're wearing a fitted top, mixing up wide-leg trousers and brogues is a fantastic look. It helps to create a look that is fitting for the brogues (they are working shoes and the men in those days wore wide leg trousers), but also that flatters your figure by being tailored themselves.

Tip 3: Wear with Fitted Jeans and a Blazer
If wide trousers and a fitted top aren’t your thing, or if they are, but you just want to mix it up a bit, then swap them around: wear fitted trousers (i.e. jeans – cigarette trousers work too, but might look a bit too formal) and a blazer. It’s great combination and can really show off your figure as long as the blazer has a good, tight, fit.

Tip 4: Accessorise with Feminine Pieces
A great way to add a quick dash of sexiness to an outfit that incorporates womens brogue boots and shoes is to add some feminine accessories. They really help to balance out a masculine look. Choose slim versions, so avoid chunky rings and necklaces. Choose bright colours, such as sapphire, silver, and amethyst.

These tips really will help you to look amazingly sexy in your brogues. If you don’t yet have a pair of brogues, you can buy some now, at mr-shoes.co.uk